Learn how to build, develop, and maintain a SQL Server database by focusing on original features and tools of the SQL server. And how to alter tables using T-SQL, SELECT statements,indexes, queries, transaction types, and triggers. Database management skills like disaster recovery, data storage, replication, and data mirroring. Build and maintain SQL Server DB, and gain insights into enterprise data with real-world SQL Server Development Training.
Microsoft SQL Developer Training
ODuring this course of Sql Server Training for Development, you will be able to learn what is SQL architecture, server/client relation, stored procedures, functions, SELECT statement, data types, views. how to modify data by using T-SQL, How to develop different operators and functions to design RDBMS, How to create and manage triggers, How to search, index, sort, and group by using records. (How to transactions - using isolation level and locking - preventing deadlocks.) How to implement optimized/efficient, scalable database, scripts/programs/queries for executions. How to recover, replicate, mirror, and store the data in the database. How to implement actions like installation, configure, planning, designing database, troubleshooting, and security, data recovering techniques. How to use advanced query techniques, advanced views, complex queries, user-defined functions, work with XML. You will also be able to monitor and control user access in optimizing the performance of the database.How to insert, update, and delete data, How to work on joins and sub-queries.

Student Journey
Soon after enrolling in the course of Sql server Developer Training at Placements Group, you will get trained by professionals experienced with 10+ of experience. (The course is designed for software developers, BI Professionals, SQL andDatabase administrators, Big data and Hadoop professionals, BA, and Managers, Individuals looking for a career in SQL development.) There are no pre-requisites to enroll for the course.Hence anyone can gain in-depth knowledge of the content. Instructors conduct assignments and doubt clarifications for better understandings. After successful completion of the course, the expert's advice will be provided based on individuals performance.

Course Content
- SQL Server Management Studio
- Transact-SQL
- SQL Server Configuration Manager
- DBMS Concept
- RDBMS Concepts
- ER Diagram Concepts
- Cardinality
- Ordinality
- SDLC for Database design and Development
- Normalization and De-Normalization
- Managing schemas
- Referencing schemas versus using the default schema
- Hiding schemas with synonyms
- Building tables
- Constructing tables with CREATE TABLE
- Different data types and what is the internal difference
- Importance of selecting proper data types
- Data types and performance
- Converting data using CAST and CONVERT
- User Defined DataTypes
- Not Null
- Primary Key
- Foreign key
- UniqueoCheck
- Default
- Candidate Key
- Alternate Key
- Natural Key
- Surrogate Key
- Inner joins
- Cross joins
- Left, right and full outer joins
- Equijoins
- The performance implications of joins
- Adding filter conditions to outer joins
- Writing self joins
- Join algorithms(hash join), loop join and merge join
- Joining a table to itself
- Chaining self joins
- Solving time-interval problems
- Taking advantage of scalar functions
- Converting data types
- Handling dates
- Manipulating strings
- Choosing the right function for the job
- Equijoins
- Managing NULLs
- Suppressing duplicates
- Applying conditions with HAVING
- Calculating moving averages
- Computing running totals
- Nesting grouped aggregates
- Joins and grouping
- Introducing subtotals with CUBE and ROLLUP