We will review the React concepts in introduction and continue to learn topics that include Node and Express, MongoDB and Mongoose, validation and querying, routing and advanced models, and at last deployment of our app.
Fullstack Development
This course is made for developers committed to doing what it takes to level up. You’ll able to really dig in and explore complex concepts every class. We ensure an engaging and intensive experience that can be balanced with a full-time job. We believe in learning through exercises and by creating awesome projects. From scope outline to deployment, your in-class learning will be focused on real world skills through the creation of a single-page web application.

Student Journey
Once you enroll to the courses, we will quickly recap the knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, Basic JavaScript. Which will teach fundamental web development concepts. We will continue learning core javascript function. As you move through the course, we will be leaning towards React and its concepts. At the end of the course, we will be developing a fully functional app and launch it live.

Course Content
The basic requirement for this course is React so we will deep dive ES6 techniques and later we will talk in depth about front-end framework: React
Front-end of our app is all ready! We’ll turn the project into a fully-fledged full-stack application through the power of Node JS. You’ll learn how to build fully functional API using the server-side framework Express, and how to manage the flow of data through HTTP requests and responses.
While continuing building out our application’s back-end by learning about the database ecosystem, and we’ll examine the differences between relational vs non-relational databases
In this session, we will be learning how to build predictable and re-usable data models through our application, working with Mongoose to create schemas, validate types, and populate your database with meaningful data.
Learning about routing and its difference in the client and server side components for our application is very important! And that’s the target in this session. We’ll look at ways we can refactor and augment our server side router, and implement client side routs using React-Router.
We will be learning how to make advanced queries to our Mondo Database through Mongoose. We will also look into how to add authentication to our application using JWT-JSON Web Tokens.
By this time, we have successfully learned how to manage backend authentication. Now, we’ll start to focus on how to create a user experience in our React app that supports taking a signed in user through the journey of using our app, and protecting routes against unauthorized users.