Learn how to up-skill your JavaScript skill set to improve workflows. This course will lead you to master with Reactjs architecture and components, Fundamentals of React with Redux, Async flow of redux, Redux testing and routing, Async actions, Data flow usage with react.
React Redux
During this course tenure, you will learn how to upskill and become a successful client-side application developer. This training enables you to gain knowledge of Webpack, React Router,Async flow, and Async action, and build single-page applications easily & effectively. You will learn each concept and have practical executions with real-time examples. To upgrade yourself from junior level to senior and executive, this is the course of your choice. You will become a modern asset to the coding teams.

Student Journey
Soon after enrolling in the course, you will be trained by professionals experienced with 14+ of experience. This course is designed for Web developers, UI developers, and Front end developers. If you have prior knowledge of Reactjs, HTML, CSS, Javascript it would be fetching,Now get ready to take a deep dive into the advanced concepts with this course. Finally, this course will lead you to an opportunity to become a senior developer. At the end of the course,you will gain knowledge in building web applications, react compositional models, Managing your data with Redux, Building interactive web pages with components.

Course Content
- Obstacles and Roadblocks
- React’s Future
- Keeping Up with the Changes
- Working with Files
- Declaring Variables in ES6
- Arrow Functions
- Transpiling ES6
- ES6 Objects and Arrays
- Promies
- Classes
- ES6 Modules
- What is means to Be Functional
- Imperative Versus Declarative
- Functional Concepts
- Immutability
- Pure Functions
- Data Transformations
- Higher-Order Functions
- Recursion
- Composition
- Setup
- The Virtual DOM
- React Elements
- ReactDOM
- Children
- Constructing Elements with Data
- React Components
- Dom Rendering
- Property Validation
- Refs
- React State Management
- State Within the Component Tree
- Meet the Lifecycle Methods
- See the Lifecycle methods in Action
- The Initial Rendering Phase
- The Updating Phase
- The Unmounting Phase
- State
- Actions
- Reducers
- The Store
- Action Creators
- Middleware